Sunday 4 October 2015

Composition in photos



"Composition is the art of arranging in a decorative manner the diverse elements at the painter's command to express his feelings." - Henri Matisse

Composition is like mixing and combining various elements/subjects into one whole subject. Composing arrangements into specific order. It is used to arrange elements in a way that is suitable to the artist and the viewers, to also help give structure to the layout of the piece and how the subject is presented. There are 8 elements in composition to achieve;

Unity, Balance, Movement, Rhythm, Contrast, Pattern, Proportion and Focus.

Unity: Are the components together and suit each other?
Balance: Symmetrical order created a calm atmosphere whilst asymmetrical arrangement creates a tense atmosphere.
Movement: Does the painting have a sense of movement? Created by the position of the figures.
Rhythm: Does it have a rhythm that paces the art like repeated colours?
Contrast: Strong differences between light and dark.
Pattern: Does the composition have basic lines and shapes?
Proportion: How does the objects fit together?
Focus: Does it allow the viewers to focus directly onto the main piece of the artwork?


I think that some of the pictures are well composed like the cream coloured dominoes against the blue scarf background, these two colours are very different so the contrast allows the dominoes to stand out very well. It has the basic patterns like line and rectangular shapes. The dominoes are in asymmetrical arrangement and creates a slightly tense atmosphere.

Other pictures like the brown box on the leaf litter might not have good composition because the leaves and the box were both brown, there wasn't much contrasting differences and it looked like the box had camouflaged in the leaf litter. The repeated earth tone colours creates a slow rhythm of the photo.

The picture with the yellow cloth background and the box was able to make the box stand out since the two elements were vividly different but at the same time the elements didn't compliment each other and so they looked not very composed. They don't have a sense of unity. Their contrasting nature allows the viewer to focus easily on the box which is the main piece.

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