Sunday 11 October 2015

Composition in Collage

Vendesi - collage artist Richard Curtner

I chose this collage because it has a nice colour contrast between the background and the bicycle; the area surrounding the bicycle becomes paler allowing the red colour of the bicycle to become the main focus.  There is unity and each object suits the others along with good proportion that makes the objects fit together.

Photographer: Elena Nuez bicocacolors: tramas

This collage has nice movement, the words woven together creating a smooth flow of each sentences. The colour contrast between the cream coloured paper and the black font allows the letters to stand out, becoming the focus. The repeated use of only letters creates a rhythmic pace in this piece of work. The messy and asymmetrical also helps create a tense atmosphere. The artwork feels like a long incoherent speech or dialogue, with the letters everywhere or it’s like the words are in someone’s mind, they’re trying to create sentences to say and such.

Mae Chevrette

There is unity in this piece, each object suits each other. The symmetrical order creates a calm atmosphere along with the gentle shades of blue. The colour blue is repeated through the work, it creates a rhythmic pace of the work. There is colour contrast between the white and blue back grounds and the black pictures; this allows the dark colour to stand out amongst the paler colours. The letter near the centre of the artwork makes the work look like it mixed media, made using different materials of papers.

「金銀襴緞子等縫合胴服(きんぎんらんどんすとうぬいあわせどうふく)」伝 上杉謙信 上杉景勝所用/上杉神社

The colour contrasts here between the bright colours and black helps outline the kimono dress, easily allowing the audience to focus on the main piece. The repeated colours like blue, yellow, white, green and black also creates a recurring pattern (motif) and also a tense eccentric pace due to each of their asymmetrical shapes.  The kimono’s colours are positioned vertically and are equal in width, there is a sense of movement to look down following the vertical lines.

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