Sunday 1 November 2015

Sketchbook Refinement

I moved all the lock drawings from two pages into just one page. This one page now looks more detailed and there isn't any big gaps left out.

There was half a page left below the negative space/ grid drawing work so I did another collage of Buddha using blue crepe paper and some emulsion.

I had another Buddha collage below the collage work I had done in class to fill up the big empty space there. I used peach coloured paper and black Biro pen to draw the statue, since black will stand out more with a peach background.

I changed the place of the colour pastel shells so it appears before the still life object drawings rather than in the middle of the still life works.

I took the negative space work out of the A4 paper I was using as a replacement for my sketchbook which I didn't have at the time I practiced this technique in class.

I also placed the fragmentation work on the page of my sketchbook instead of the A4 paper I used as replacement for the sketchbook. The replacement paper was stiff and would often peel off the sketchbook, making my sketchbook look very unprofessional and unappealing.

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