Sunday 22 November 2015

Gallery trip - IKON Museum, Birmingham

We also went to the IKON museum in Birmingham. The first floor was Fiona Banner's Exhibition calles "Scroll Down And Keep Scrolling".

The first piece was THE MAN poster collage she made using poster of only two colours; red and blue. I didn't feel like it would relate very well to my theme but the bright contrasting colours she used were very good because when different lighting is used the poster's colour would change as well, to blue or red.

I liked how she used light for this piece rather than relying on paint or other common mediums. I think it would relate to one of the areas within my theme, Diwali, the festival of lights where I use actual neon parts, wires and transformers. But that seems more like a pipe dream, I can just try to Photoshop light to spell out "Diwali" or take a photo of (Firework) sparklers spelling it out.

Arsewoman in Wonderland is a screen-print of numerous sentences upside down. It is meant to show how people's speeches start to become incoherent and the listeners begin to lose interest in the speaker. I could try to use the same pattern in my work where I make a screen print of a prayer text or words associated with culture/religion, put it upside down and remove some parts of the sentence to make it look like the speaker has forgotten some parts of the tradition and they try to cover it up, things change without them noticing it to show the gradual loss of culture/religion.                              

The Ikon lift was fitted with audio sound to go along with the ascendand descend of the lift. If you go up the audio was crescendo and if you go down it was the opposite.

A scroll that went through 3 floors, it had a collection of photos and paintings by various artists. It was like a big album, the photos were probably from past exhibitions. 

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