Monday 1 February 2016

Miniature replica

Gonkar Gyatso
Untitled, 2012

I decided to recreate Gonkar Gyatso's Untitled Sculpture in a small size. I initially planned on using a plastic doll which would have it head removed and layer it with words associated with culture like names of festivals. I ended up creating a model out of scratch because I could no find any dolls that were close to my specific ideals.
The skeletal structure is made of paper clip, which I unwind and bind it to other paper clips. I used masking tape so the areas with weak bonds will not come undone.

I wrapped and stuffed it with toilet paper, it took 3 days for the tissues to dry. I used toilet paper because it was easy to mold it around the skeletal figure.
The stickers were not able to stick to the tissue papers. I applied masking tape to the whole body so the stickers can attach to the statue.

The stickers don't stick so well to the masking tape so I might change the tickers to strips of sentences instead.
The strips of sentences being Nepalese scriptures. Similar to Gonkar Gyatso's other work; Untitled (detail) from 2008 where he used Buddhist/Tibetan scripture on the silhouette of the Buddha.

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