Saturday 30 April 2016

Kurta pattern

I recreated the patterns found on the kurta using pencil and oil pastel.

The oil pastel wasn't the best option for creating such small details however from the distance the vibrant strokes look good.

With the photo print of the kurta, I practiced my weaving technique. I want to use the weaving method on my final piece so I need to repeated practice what type of patterns would suit the technique. It does not work well with this photo, the colours are too dark, the paper looks too full and it feels quite overbearing. The heavy colour won't match the light colour style of Minjae Lee's.

I tried it again with a photocopy of my piece, compared to the other one it looks much more lighter making it easier to link with Minjae Lee's style. However, the pattern is not very detailed up close, I need to add more details to the patterns.

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