Tuesday 31 May 2016

Dagatopi pattern for the final piece

 I used the pattern from the previous pattern study. There was only 3/4 of the pattern drawn so I duplicated it and placed the copy on the oher side to make the pattern complete.
I copied and pasted the pattern until there was enough to fill the canvas.

I saved the image in an PNG format and transferred it to a Word document. I printed it out in colour and used PVA glue to stick it on to my final piece. I placed it on the dark pink traditional clothing worn by the girl.

Friday 13 May 2016

Art Board

I used the emulsion and newspaper collage for the art board's background. This board will be for Nel Ten Wolde. The artist uses mixed media and lots of collage in their work therefore I thought using a collage as the background would reflect their art style. The emulsion also covers the newspaper text so my sentences can be visible on the board.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Final piece

Progression of my final piece.
I used a board as the surface for my piece. There was already some painting on it so I used emulsion to cover up the previous piece. The old work had used ink which started to show through the emulsion layer. I thought this was a good accident since one of my chosen artist, Minjae Lee, has bright yet soft colour in his background like in his work The Light of Mercy which had a soft yellow background with blurry spots of different colours.

With a pencil, I started sketching out the body.

I closed in on the face and put most of my focus on it.

I outlined the sketch with a mechanical pen in case the paint covers up the lines.

I mixed together deep red and white, which are both acrylic to create the pink colour which will be used for the guno cholo (traditional dress).
I used the pink as the base colour of the clothing.

I used deep red on top of the pink colour, this is meant to show the creases and shadow to make the clothes look more realistic.
Right now, the clothes look bland since there is no pattern. I will use the weaving pattern to create the patterns on the clothes and also on the face.
The ink stain on the face will be hard to cover since it keeps surfacing above the emulsion no matter how much I apply. I'm thinking of leaving the face with only pencil marking and collage.